Material Matters - Wie ein neu gedachte Circular Economy uns zukunftsfähig macht
Material Matters - Het alternatief voor onze roofbouwmaatschappij
Material Matters - Developing business for a circular economy


In everything he does, Thomas Rau is being led by what will be needed in the future. This attitude is what he considers to be the only way for us to escape the tragic fate of one day having exhausted all resources that are needed for humanity to survive.

The one-dimensional foundation on which our linear economy was built has benefited us greatly—but it is now threatening to undermine all of its successes. At a time when we are becoming more and more dependent on the resources within the closed system that is our planet, we are also increasingly jeopardising the availability of those resources.

Our economic system, therefore, needs to change, completely. Not only do we need to re-evaluate our place on earth, this re-evaluation also and simultaneously needs to be transformed into a new relationship between humanity and the planet. This is what Thomas means, when he talks about having to change the soul of our economic system.

The details of the organisation of this relationship will need to be worked out, along the way, over the coming years. As far as Thomas Rau is concerned, however, there is no lack of practical ideas about how to facilitate such a transition.

The main issue is that this relationship will need to be based on mutual respect—knowing that we are merely a guest on this earth. We need to recognise that, while our existence is temporary, the consequences of our actions may have a lasting impact.


We need to change to a system in which all individuals are responsible for the consequences of their own actions

Thomas Rau

Thomas Rau