Thomas Rau and Deloitte sign partnership
26 September 2018
Thomas Rau and Deloitte aim to fast-forward the Dutch economy towards circularity
The energy transition and circularity are key topics in every Dutch boardroom. To further reinforce support to the real estate/construction industry and the public sector whilst strengthening its impact on society, Deloitte proudly announces a strategic collaboration with Thomas Rau as Edge Fellow of Deloitte Center for the Edge.
Thomas Rau works with Deloitte’s Real Estate team as of September 1, 2018. “By joining forces with Thomas, Deloitte aims to make a bigger impact in the real estate and construction industry on the energy transition and the transition towards circularity”, says Jurrien Veldhuizen managing partner Deloitte Real Estate. “The same applies to the public sector, including social housing and health care.” The potential impact is high. Research shows that existing buildings in the Netherlands consume approximately 40% of all energy and approximately 40% of primary raw materials. Therefore building owners, users and developers are playing an important role. Also in light of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, new buildings already have to comply with strict standards on energy efficiency. “But this is not enough. The Dutch real estate and construction industry and the public sector are doing what is possible rather than what is needed”, says Thomas Rau. Combining my ideas with Deloitte’s expertise, reputation and sheer man-power, we want to push decision makers to make the big steps that are really needed now.”
About Thomas Rau
Thomas Rau (1960) is an entrepreneur, architect and innovator. Nominated for the Circular Leadership Award of the World Economic Forum, Thomas Rau has been contributing to national and international discussions about sustainability for years. He is promoting the use of renewable energy in the built environment and seeks to address the increasing worldwide resource scarcity. After founding his own architect firm in 1992, he founded Turntoo in 2010 to focus on new business models for the circular economy. Business models that gravitate around providing services instead of ownership (e.g. no lamps but light). In his book Material Matters (2016), he emphasizes that the current efforts of the real estate and construction industry to minimize impact on nature are not ambitious enough. A radical mind change is needed. In 2017 he founded the Madaster Foundation to create material passports for buildings to support the reuse of materials in the future. Thomas Rau will continue his positions at RAU Architects and Turntoo.
About Deloitte Real Estate
Deloitte Real Estate is market leader for complex, business-led real estate matters in the Netherlands. Combining core real estate expertise with Deloitte’s wider financial capabilities, Deloitte Real Estate strives to drive innovation and lead in strategic and financial real estate advisory. Deloitte Real Estate already has a leading position when it comes to blockchain technology in real estate, real estate analytics and smart mobility. By means of this strategic collaboration with Thomas Rau Deloitte Real Estate wants to further reinforce its position with regards to circularity and the energy transition in relation to real estate.
Thomas Rau and Deloitte aim to fast-forward the Dutch economy towards circularity